David is hot like woah.
Plus, according to IMDB, the actor is an avid comic book collector. Go team hot geek!
I think I shall have to look up Dira's fic.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
David is hot like woah.
Plus, according to IMDB, the actor is an avid comic book collector. Go team hot geek!
I think I shall have to look up Dira's fic.
Don/Bloke Don Used To Work With
Which bloke?
What about Don/sharpshooter played by Lou Diamond Phillips?
Don/Bloke Don Used To Work With
That guy who was on the fugitive squad with Don. I've read a Don/BDUTWW story, and I can't remember who it was by.
for fuck's sake, this is the third time I've tried to put this together.
I had a dream about Colby/David the other night, which was weird because a) I don't slash Colby/David, and b) I haven't seen the show since the finale in May. Colby has had to grow on me as a character.
Here's some gen Numb3rs--I don't have a lot, and I'm not sure why. Granted, I play in the dirty, bad and wrong end of the pool, but I think I just haven't found a lot of quality fanfiction. Who knows why.
Asyptotic Behavior by Pru
Untitled Ficlet by Delle (Dana betaed this!)
Afternoon Cartoons by Sori
At the Sky by Dira Sudis
Drift by Merry
The memories of numb3rsflashfic would also be an excellent place to start; they've had some good Alan fanfiction, as I recall.
Random slash: Son of a Bitch by frostfire; this is an episode tag to "Convergence" where Charlie gets into a sort of dick-measuring competitveness with another mathematician named Marshall.
I don't really seek out the het, but to my mind there's been some decent Megan/Larry stuff posted (check out numb3rs_notice and numb3rs_fic) and at least one Don/Amita that didn't send me screaming for the hills. newbieguide has an excellent introduction to Numb3rs on livejournal, which catalogues practically every community for anything relating to numb3rs (with the exception of the episode download community; if you'd like that, pop me an email and I'll direct you to it).
I was going to include one Don/Charlie story, "Parallel Connections Over Symmetric Spaces," only because it's sort of the defining story for them and handles every bad and wrong and angsty moment there could possibly be deftly and with a sound mind for canon and the timeline that's been more or less unfolding on the show. But Dale Edmonds seems to have disappeared from the web, and I couldn't get it up on archive.org or google cache. Anyone know what happened to him?
Thank you!
(Because I am hypocritical, I'm not actually opposed to reading Don/Charlie, as such. It doesn't squick me - I just don't think I'll buy it. But there are lots of stories I enjoy without believing. And, hell, a good writer can sell me on anything. I just really don't SEE it in the teeny bit of canon I've seen. Still - pretty.)
Thanks SA! Any chance you have recs for non-Don/Charlie Slash?
Lee, sorry honey, only that single random Charlie/Marshall one. There's Larry/Charlie slash and Colby/Charlie and maybe even a David/Colby or two, but I haven't been moved to read them. My fulcrum for the fandom is the Eppes family, so I mostly read stuff involving them. numb3rs_notice has most of that stuff linked.
(Because I am hypocritical, I'm not actually opposed to reading Don/Charlie, as such. It doesn't squick me - I just don't think I'll buy it. But there are lots of stories I enjoy without believing. And, hell, a good writer can sell me on anything. I just really don't SEE it in the teeny bit of canon I've seen. Still - pretty.)
Heh. Obviously the solution is to get you more canon. And you're welcome for the stories, I hope they're a start.
Here's Dira's stuff. [link]
Thanks Dana! I will have to do some printing this weekend, I can tell.
Oh, lord.
SO sucked in.
(And, yes, of course I'm reading the BroYay. Although I still don't believe it at all. But - pretty boys. Apparently I am that shallow.)