Quick question - could someone link me to one of the fic "remix" challenges/exchanges that was done in the past year or so?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Quick question - could someone link me to one of the fic "remix" challenges/exchanges that was done in the past year or so?
The big Cassandra Claire scandal was her plagiarizing paragraphs from Pamela Dean, who later gave retroactive permission.
Oh -- that's right.
Fans never forgive. Check out http://www.cassandraclaire.com/ for juicy plagiarism details.
Anne, I'm linking you to the FAQ for the multifandom Remix challenge.
Thanks, SA! I'm seriously toying with running a similar challenge in one of my anime fandoms.
Mmm. I've done a fair number of them. They're a lot of fun.
I've recently heard it questioned whether Pamela Dean ever did give permission.
Doctor Who season 1 crackfic worthy of SGA: The Human Within. Surprisingly in-character and hilarious.
...so anyone got links to NUM3ERS fic?
Caught 2 1/2 episodes on the flight from Abu Dhabi and was utterly charmed by the geekdom and all the hot boys.