Doctor Who season 1 crackfic worthy of SGA: The Human Within. Surprisingly in-character and hilarious.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic. anyone got links to NUM3ERS fic?
Caught 2 1/2 episodes on the flight from Abu Dhabi and was utterly charmed by the geekdom and all the hot boys.
Isn't the Epps family cute?
Numbers being the big precursor to Supernatural fandom, one must ask the same crucial question:
Incest, or no incest?
No incest for the Epps brothers.
They can each play with one of the Supernatural men though.
Fay, Barkley on LJ has been my Numbers pimp (she made a fantastic Don vid), and I believe she has recs, most of which are gen or het.
And I'm trying to remember--I think it was Elishavah who wrote a lovely Don/Amita story not too long ago.
ETA: Lee--I could totally see Don tracking down the Winchesters for impersonating federal agents!
It's definitely Eli who wrote the Don/Amita story.
Dira Sudis has possibly written some gen, although definitely more incest. Merryish was also posting stuff for a while, and there's a numb3rs_noticeboard community like sga_noticeboard.
Lee--I could totally see Don tracking down the Winchesters for impersonating federal agents!
OOOH. This should happen.
Plus, now that Dean is officially Dead -- having him show up places where there is unusual criminal activity might pique FBI interest.
I'm on record as being anti-Wincest, but I see where the wrongwrongWRONGwrong people are coming from.
NUMB3RS, I don't see even that.