Thassalia on LJ just posted a really sweet little 9-and-Rose fic.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
This is way better than it has any right to be. The cast of Scrubs - on Atlantis.
Well, it is Skoosiepants--she's the woman who made us fall in love with a furry octopus.
Question: Can something be described as "both canon and fanon"?
Seems to me like one kind of trumps the other.
I wouldn't think so. Cause unless I'm wrong(which sometimes happens) fanon can only spring up about something if the canon is unclear, like: CANON: Kay Howard and Ed Danvers break up. FANON: Lots of "Ed cheats on Kay," stories spring up because the show doesn't say much about why. Right?
Um, not logically. If you define canon to mean "stff that happens on the show" and fanon to be "made up stuff that magically people seem to agree on". Now, I guess they could be defining fanon as "stuff that repeatedly shows up in fanfics, whether on the show or not"-- but that isn't what I think of as fanon.
It could be 'both canon and fanon' if something was initially fanon and then later canon explicitly went there, maybe?
that's true...
See, I would consider that "fanon that was confirmed by canon" or something like that. I don't think something can co-exist simultaneously in both canon and fanon. Once it's canon, it's no longer fanon.
Which is pretty much how I'd see it too. But that was the only handwavy thing I could do to make it make any kind of sense.
Meanwhile - where is your tagline from? I find myself wanting it to be from that cracktastic La Femme Nikita fic, and almost remembering it as such, but I'm probably making this up.