OT: Dana, insent to Yahoo.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Yikes! Just got several pages into a post-Atlantis SG-1/SGA crossover that I was liking pretty well when it suddenly turned into Sheppard and Jonas Quinn making like Heathcliff and Catherine. I was not ready for that.
Nobody's ready for that.
Wait wait wait. That's the guy from Parker Lewis Can't Lose, right? (Actually, that's Parker Lewis, right?)
...okay, yeah, I have nothing to say about it, except that poor guy will never outlive Parker Lewis, the same way that Wossname is still Doogie Howser in our hearts.
I was liking pretty well when it suddenly turned into Sheppard and Jonas Quinn making like Heathcliff and Catherine.
Please tell me that Rodney isn't hanging a litter of puppies from a chairback in the doorway.
If that happened, it was in a part after the ones I read. I fast-forwarded until I stopped seeing Jonas' name and landed on all of Cheyenne Mountain celebrating the repeal of DADT. Then decided I'd better just give it up before the winged unicorns arrived to whisk everyone away to Big Rock Candy Mountain.
Fortunately, this proved to be an enjoyable palate cleanser.
Please tell me that Rodney isn't hanging a litter of puppies from a chairback in the doorway.
t cackles
Matt, you really gotta stay away from the bad fic.
Also? very odd. SGA is such the land of the crackfic. And not always in a good way.
It was stealth badfic though. Like, for the first three chapters it seemed like a decently written, realistic post-McShep breakup where John was all conflicted about Rodney seeing Sam. Then it morphed into a slash pairing that, while not necessarily badfic, involved a character whose sex life I never ever ever ever want to read about. Then when I zipped past that all of a sudden SG-1 seemed to have been hit by the Velvet Goldmine Ray.
Almost I find that I want to read it, Matt. If only because of the fanfuckingtastic notion of the Velvet Goldmine Ray hitting SG-1. (Although Teal'c already has the eyeshadow. Is that ever addressed in canon? The fact that he has the shiny permashadow, whilst the rest of his people...don't?)
Actually, the Goa'uld (...no, I don't know where the apostrophe goes, but clearly neither do the regular cast, so I'm good) clearly invented the Velvet Goldmine Ray. Or possibly the Velvet Goa'uldmine Ray.
nods wisely
in conclusion: Yay Slash.