Wow. Those alternate endings sound pretty heady. I'm not sure I could read much more from that 'verse, though, at least not right now.
I really like the creativity shown in the plotting, but I wouldn't mind less focus on romantic relationships, given the length of these stories.
Mmm. I agree. I hate to contemplate it, and it might just be that fandom has scarred me for life on this, but at times Dani seemed kind of Mary-Sueish. In a particularly tolerable way. I mean, come on: four PhDs? excelling in hand to hand combat? the only person who could figure out the Furlings' trick? That being said, it's not that I enjoyed it any less for those qualities, but much along the same lines, coming into a story and getting both Jack AND Daniel, even when you happen to *be* Daniel is kind of a feat.
Though that may not be quite what you're talking about.
Someone once described a Mary Sue as someone who doesn't laugh at themselves. I've always thought it was a particularly apt description.
....I'm going to assume that this is a website?
Indeed it is. Heliopolis. I'm perfectly willing to bet, though, that yours is cooler.
I don't think you're necessarily wrong, SA, although Daniel himself is pretty much statistically improbable. But, you know, there's MarySues and MarySues, and nearly every characterization has an element of wish-fulfillment in it.
I found the whole thing to be just a classic fannish engagement with the text. It's pure id, but with plot, and a readable style that just keeps dragging you along.
In that way, it reminds me a bit of KodiakkeMax's In the Company of Ghosts, although it's not as well done.
Funniest Whofic ever. When people get annoyed by badfic, wonderful things happen.
A cute little House/HP sort-of-crossover [link]
OT: Dana, insent to Yahoo.
Gitchyer entirely steamy Cameron/Vala (SG-1) pron here: [link]
Yikes! Just got several pages into a post-Atlantis SG-1/SGA crossover that I was liking pretty well when it suddenly turned into Sheppard and Jonas Quinn making like Heathcliff and Catherine. I was not ready for that.
Wait wait wait. That's the guy from Parker Lewis Can't Lose, right? (Actually, that's Parker Lewis, right?)
...okay, yeah, I have nothing to say about it, except that poor guy will never outlive Parker Lewis, the same way that Wossname is still Doogie Howser in our hearts.