Some day, just once, I want to read a fic in which the participants are self-conscious in their nudity.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
SGA has a number of those, because David Hewlett isn't as fit as Joe Flanigan. So we sometimes get McKay flustered about himself.
That cracks me up, as David Hewlett himself is gleefully naked or nearly so in just about every film I've seen him in, whereas Flanigan has remained buttoned up as tightly as possible since his Dawson's Creek days.
Flanigan has remained buttoned up as tightly as possible since his Dawson's Creek days.
....he was in Dawson's Creek?
How do I not know this?
He was an older man that Jen had a fling with early on. Captain of a boat, I think. And then he came on too strong and Jen learned An Important Life Lesson.
I really liked Jen. Although the way that she was depicted as this wounded creature who had Learned That Sex Was Bad did my head in almost as much as the fact that all the adults seemed to be Joey/Dawson shippers. Insane! (And yet I was very hooked on it for a season, in a love-hate kind of way, back when Pacey was in love with Joey. Spike and I were both glued to our respective TV sets. When the two of them returned from a summer spent on Pacey's boat and we were supposed to believe that they'd done nothing but read to each other, notwithstanding the Big Love and the teen hormones and all that jazz...well, my eyes rolled so hard that they actually fell out of my head, and made me incapable of watching any more episodes.)
Er. Off topic.
So, Shepherd and McKay - they nestle snugly alongside Fraser and Ray in my head, with the adorability and the snark and the fluffy goodness. Not like Clex, which just broke me into little pieces. Yay for John and Rodney, and their geeky geeky adorability.
...aaaand now I want fic. Damn it. Will not go trawling for McShep at school. That would be bad.
...and I wrote "McShep" in a conscious attempt to be slightly opaque, what with the whole inappropriateness of talking slashy goodness from work, and yet now I feel sort of dirty for using the portmanteau.
head explodes.
Jen was my favourite too. I watched until they got to college, then gave up caring. I did tune in for the final episode, but, well.
The Pacey/Joey not having sex on a boat thing is always associated with Clark being a virgin marrying Lois in Lois and Clark for me. I think a friend pointed out the complete bugfuck insanity of both when we were watching that series of Dawson's Crack.
Also, yes, I think the McKay/Sheppard is sort of the antidote to the Clex. You had to work to believe anything happy for Clex, whereas it's the opposite for McKay/Sheppard. Pairing of joy. And snark. And adorkability.
I was a horrible, terrible, huge Pacey/Joey shipper. And it was only fuelled by my increasing dislike of the Big Giant Head.
Joey slowly became one of those ciphers--the object of desire for the male character I really liked. I didn't have to like her, but because he wanted her, I was a shipper.
I was a horrible, terrible, huge Pacey/Joey shipper. And it was only fuelled by my increasing dislike of the Big Giant Head.
Me, as well. Although I stopped watching regularly for the last 2 seasons, and only came back for the "Joey and Pacey locked in a giant K-Mart" episode and the finale. I couldn't deal with a lot the eps in those last seasons.