Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I really should have left it to Dana.
Dana is, of course, correct.
It gets complicated (I think) when you talk about a show where a het romance is part of the canon. So could a Farscape story in which John and Aeryn have lots and lots of sex be gen? Maybe? Given that the show was quite definitely PG-13 in places with the sex references... ::shrugs::
This is why categories make me cranky. Because I want it all in one place, damnit.
I always label for any kind of romantic content, on the theory that I've seen more people get pissed off by unlabeled sex--most often slashers unhappy to encounter het, honestly--than people get pissed off by lack of explicitness. I mean, I always give a rating as well, so if I rate that puppy PG they know they aren't getting fellatio.
Damn friends with interesting dreams.
I'm now writing an SGA/Farscape crossover with potential Sheppard/Aeryn smut.
t hides head
In my head, gen and het are two different categories, and have nothing to do with any canon basis for the couples involved. A story with a lot of explicit sex? Not really safe for general audiences.
(It is possible I've been reading too much of the latest round of debate about what "slash" really means.)
Huh. The board ate my post. All it said was "Excellent," in response to Suela's post. Worth repeating, I think.
Cryptile's beautiful, insightful, and heartbreaking "Come To Dust": [link]
Whofic, Ninth through Tenth, spoilers through and including Christmas Invasion.
Ninth Doctor, no spoilers, Remix contest. Our old friend "fuck or die", gone from a joke in the original to very, very dark indeed.
Martha Wilson has posted Part 2 of her sequel to Retrograde, Recovery. [link]