Huh. The board ate my post. All it said was "Excellent," in response to Suela's post. Worth repeating, I think.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Cryptile's beautiful, insightful, and heartbreaking "Come To Dust": [link]
Whofic, Ninth through Tenth, spoilers through and including Christmas Invasion.
Ninth Doctor, no spoilers, Remix contest. Our old friend "fuck or die", gone from a joke in the original to very, very dark indeed.
Martha Wilson has posted Part 2 of her sequel to Retrograde, Recovery. [link]
Oh bwah! I was just reading a discussion about TV fanfic, and someone posted that her fandom was Due South and she despises slash stories of all pairings. That's like a white supremacist choosing to move to Kenya.
Maybe I should try to get her started in the Smallville fandom?
Or The Sentinel.
Please tell me it was an April Fool's joke! I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around being into Due South for the het.
Bless her. There's bravely swimming against the tide, and then there's trying to swim in golden syrup with your hands tied behind your back and your ankles bound, whilst being pelted with sequins and maple leaves by The Village People, and taunted by the ghosts of Gay Icons Past.
All the best, Lone Voice Of Due Het Fandom. Good luck storming the castle!
And now I want to find an AU where Fraser's an ice skater.
Curse you, wee Fay!
Mind you, especially in the first two seasons, there were female love interests galore for Fraser, including Sgt. Frobisher's daughter so the poor woman isn't completely deluded in her belief there could be some het fanfic out there, somewhere.
Still not the way to bet, though.
Well certainly, while watching the show itself I always loved Fraser's almost-romance with Inspector Thatcher, and there are some good stories about that out there. But the fandom's 99 44/100 % pure slash!
I'm now imagining her spending long hours opening story after story in an attempt to find the het stuff, and screaming like Homer Simpson each time she runs across Fraser jumping one of the Rays.