Ta, Perkins.
It is cute. Perhaps even more of a rewatch motivator, probably because I felt it did Gunn less justice, and so I need to watch him more.
But still fun.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Ta, Perkins.
It is cute. Perhaps even more of a rewatch motivator, probably because I felt it did Gunn less justice, and so I need to watch him more.
But still fun.
I'm saddened that my first thought wasn't Angel/Lindsey. How did it come to this?
We can make a list. Because I can think of several major pairings in several fandoms that fall prey to that problem.
I'm saddened that my first thought wasn't Angel/Lindsey.
Mine was McKay/Shep
I was at Mckay/Shep myself. But I have no problem with the premise deliquescing into a bit of schmoop. But it has to be traced from one stage to the other, and retain characteristics thereof.
Ditto here, but I don't know when that took over as my default slash pairing.
I suppose in addition to the huge volume of stuff available this past year, there's the fact that I like the characters better in fanfic, which was not true of the Whedon characters.
is there a good archive for the GA fic yet, or does anyone have recs?
I always do, Betsy. But my absolute favorite love scene I ever wrote contained the phrase "Because I love you, you idiot!" so maybe I'm not the one to ask. And, yeah, is a big problem for a lot of House fics.
I'm afraid I don't have a link to it handy, but one of my favorite meta-fics involved Methos reading a super-schmoop story about his character and editing it heavily. I think his sword was involved in the edits at one point. And the word "eviscerate".
there's the fact that I like the characters better in fanfic, which was not true of the Whedon characters.
Oh, totally.
is there a good archive for the GA fic yet, or does anyone have recs?
No archive, but Yuletide had a couple good ones.