I was at Mckay/Shep myself. But I have no problem with the premise deliquescing into a bit of schmoop. But it has to be traced from one stage to the other, and retain characteristics thereof.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Ditto here, but I don't know when that took over as my default slash pairing.
I suppose in addition to the huge volume of stuff available this past year, there's the fact that I like the characters better in fanfic, which was not true of the Whedon characters.
is there a good archive for the GA fic yet, or does anyone have recs?
I always do, Betsy. But my absolute favorite love scene I ever wrote contained the phrase "Because I love you, you idiot!" so maybe I'm not the one to ask. And, yeah, is a big problem for a lot of House fics.
I'm afraid I don't have a link to it handy, but one of my favorite meta-fics involved Methos reading a super-schmoop story about his character and editing it heavily. I think his sword was involved in the edits at one point. And the word "eviscerate".
there's the fact that I like the characters better in fanfic, which was not true of the Whedon characters.
Oh, totally.
is there a good archive for the GA fic yet, or does anyone have recs?
No archive, but Yuletide had a couple good ones.
The only GA fic I've read is Annakovsky's post-Bomb episode fic, [link] in which Kovsky writes George/Bailey and somehow manages to make it work.
RPF with the Muppets! HEEE!
God knows, this is a multi-fandom rule, but this was touched off by a particularly bad Duncan/Methos in which Methos was about as hard-shelled as a marshmallow. Or Marshmallow Fluff.
Ah, here's the meta-fic of Methos vs. the Badfic writer: [link]
Has this SGA fic ("Freedom's Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose") been recced here yet?
One of the best fics I've ever read in any fandom, ever.