c) Still no excuse for "Spuffy".
Or LoVe
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
c) Still no excuse for "Spuffy".
Or LoVe
"an insightful idea"? The hell?
What are the greatest hits of bad portmanteaux? Come on, do your worst.
We can assemble the whole list, as well as links to Portmanteau Kerfuffles # 1001, 1425, and 33,548 and send them to Thompson.
And ask him to use the word "kerfuffle" next time.
It's hard to top Spuffy and LoVe. I'm not particularly fond of any of the McKay/anyone ones, like McShep, McBeckett, etc. And I may have hallucinated this, but I think I saw people calling Sheppard/Weir "Shweir."
I do have to say that I find the portmanteau's a little bit easier to decipher than the Roswell Designations (Candy, etc), but perhaps because I just started reading Roswell last year and so wasn't around when they were created.
Also, every time I see LoVe (which is a lot because I am devouring that fandom now) I get the title theme to The Love Boat stuck in my head!
See, that works for me because it seems more like just a shorthand and less like trying to create a cute new word. Those are the ones that get me.
Is Spuffy cute or shorthand (or both)?
Oh, where to start...
Grace/Luke (JoA) = Gruke
Clark/Whitney (SV) = Clitney (oh, I only wished I were kidding)
Draco/Hermione (HP) = Dramione
Burke/Cristina (GA) = Burketina
Sark/Sydney (Alias) = Sarkney
And that's just off the top of my head.
Oh, god, I forgot about Sarkney.
As far as those other ones go, I think you maybe venture a little far afield in search of fic. I'm just saying.
Spangel. Spander. Sparrington.
Is Spuffy cute or shorthand (or both)?
I'd call it cutesy.