Huh. One of my fics just got nominated for an award. I'm flattered, but it's kind of hard to take fanfic awards all that seriously, especially when your fic is the only one nominated for a particular category. What really means something to me is having my fics recced and/or pimped by people whose taste and/or writing ability I admire.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
People who think Sheppard has a southern accent have clearly never heard any real southern accents.
Exactly, sumi. I'm not sure how I would describe his accent, but 'Southern' would be nowhere on the list of possibilities.
Also, unless you were describing the character from the pov of someone who was unfamiliar with John or showing us another character's thoughts on him, why would you even need to mention anything about the accent?
I think it's a "he's really laconic -- how do I say that if I am not actually familiar with the word 'laconic'?" issue.
Or, it could be a secret badfic competition. I wonder how the scary Le Femme Nikita author (courtesy Dana) would describe him?
I read a story last night that ... well, it really struck home the way some pieces of fiction are just an open door to all the most interesting parts of the writer's psyche. I mean, check it out--It's an AU in which the US military practices sexual slavery of military prisoners (yes, this is going where you think it is):
- Daniel as woobie, inable to protect himself (despite having a body described as lean and athletic);
- Daniel is convicted of treason for refusing to return to Earth after Apophis attacks Abydos, and made into Jack's sex slave;
- Jack as hardass but fond of Daniel;
- Daniel multiply raped by military men, including Jack;
- No women to be seen at all, except for one hooker that someone gives to Daniel as a gift;
- Several suicide attempts by Daniel;
- Jack saves the galaxy by bonding with the Asgard and helping defeat the Replicators (by himself: there is no team);
- Daniel is raped and beaten up by another guy when Jack is away saving the galaxy with the Asgard;
- Jack comes back and sees how badly Daniel was treated, so he decides to become his friend instead of his master;
- Daniel realizes he loves his master Jack and they live happily ever in a world without women or psychological realism.
It's like a case study for all those people who claim slash is misogynistic. But it's not like women are badly treated: they simply don't exist at all. (Except in memory: in this world Daniel married Sha're but she was killed by Apophis, not taken.)
I read something like this (okay, skimmed), and I can't help thinking the writer can't possibly be aware of how she's exposed everything about her own kinks. Cause there's kinks, and there's kinks. I dunno.
And no, it's not a particularly good story. I need to not click on links that don't say "highly recommended" by someone I trust.
So SG-1 fiction just found its own John Norman?
Well, it's an old story, looks like it was probably written around season 3 or 4, though I could be wrong. It's just... bleah.
I'm sure the writer and many readers got a lot out of it. It was just a little too designed to appeal to a certain set of kinks for me to feel comfortable with. It's just so very far from what appeals to me about the show and the characters, as well.
::twitches uncomfortably::
You know, I was mentioning to Dana just this weekend that certain stories are like my anti-kink. I read them, and they push none of my buttons, even though there are elements that have worked for me in the past. In fact, I read these stories and my buttons say, "We're rethinking our buttonosity."
In fact, I read these stories and my buttons say, "We're rethinking our buttonosity."
I think I like a little more story with my kink, you know? Plausible deniability of kink. This was all kink, all the time. Plus with the questionable characterizatons and fuckedup universe. And the happy ending was just not believable.
But it's not like women are badly treated: they simply don't exist at all.
The scary part is, I've read almost that exact scenario (variations due to canon source), in XF. All the women on earth (except, inexplicably, Scully) die, and the violent sexual ownership olympics get under way!!
I would say "Oh the nostalgia" except that I don't remember it fondly in the slightest.