I think cultural norms suggest that you should ask permission from the original writer (ironic as that is). Either way, I'd say ask the author if they want to see it. It's entirely possible they won't.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
What Katie said.
Although, if the intent of your story is to totally overthrow the entire point of the original story and come up with an ending that pleases you more?
Better not to tell them. Just make sure it's not too obvious that's what you're doing.
Of course, I couldn't possibly be speaking from experience. Much.
Someone is trying to write the 7th Potter novel via Wiki: [link]
And the release date for her novel hasn't been set, though it's widely thought among the online Potter community that the seventh book could be released on July 7, 2007 - 07/07/07.
Snerk. Basically "we don't know anything, so people are making shit up that sounds cool"
Although, if the intent of your story is to totally overthrow the entire point of the original story and come up with an ending that pleases you more?
heh. No issues about rewriting what went before here, though my sequel would be about 98% less porny. Yet, probably still pushing the upper limits of an R rating for language.
And the release date for her novel hasn't been set, though it's widely thought among the online Potter community that the seventh book could be released on July 7, 2007 - 07/07/07.
Snerk. Basically "we don't know anything, so people are making shit up that sounds cool"
Well, she did put out a press release before Christmas that she was going to start writing it after the holidays, so, if she doesn't take forever with it, I can see her turning it over to the publisher within a year, and the publisher seizing on that as a cool marketing ploy.
You know what totally creeps one out when one is looking for Methos fic?
The number of fics based on the concept that Cassandra totally had it coming and/or is an Evil Scheming Woman for coming between Duncan and his Twu Wuv.
There was a JoA/House crossover that was pretty funny (Joan thought House was a manifestation of God).
I've never read/watched anything House related other than general concepts from folks on the internets, but this concept made me snort pizza up my nose anyway.
OMG sam_storyteller just posted the Epilogue to Laocoon's Children Year 2! This means it's DONE and I can READ IT!
I am so, so happy now.
(BTW, anybody out there who likes HP fic and HASN'T read "Stealing Harry," "Laocoon's Children Year One," and, now, "Laocoon's Children Year Two"? Do it. I can't imagine AU being done better.)
I was thrilled by the events in the epilogue, and I was thrilled to see who he's apparently casting as the "Prisoner of Azkaban." Nice twist, that.