You know what totally creeps one out when one is looking for Methos fic?
The number of fics based on the concept that Cassandra totally had it coming and/or is an Evil Scheming Woman for coming between Duncan and his Twu Wuv.
'Time Bomb'
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
You know what totally creeps one out when one is looking for Methos fic?
The number of fics based on the concept that Cassandra totally had it coming and/or is an Evil Scheming Woman for coming between Duncan and his Twu Wuv.
There was a JoA/House crossover that was pretty funny (Joan thought House was a manifestation of God).
I've never read/watched anything House related other than general concepts from folks on the internets, but this concept made me snort pizza up my nose anyway.
OMG sam_storyteller just posted the Epilogue to Laocoon's Children Year 2! This means it's DONE and I can READ IT!
I am so, so happy now.
(BTW, anybody out there who likes HP fic and HASN'T read "Stealing Harry," "Laocoon's Children Year One," and, now, "Laocoon's Children Year Two"? Do it. I can't imagine AU being done better.)
I was thrilled by the events in the epilogue, and I was thrilled to see who he's apparently casting as the "Prisoner of Azkaban." Nice twist, that.
I wasn't completely thrilled by the "Cartographer" story, but Laocoon's Children is really neat. What happened to Nearly Headless Nick was fun.
I loved the writing on Cartographer's, but it seemed a little gimmicky for my taste, at times. Stealing Harry and Laocoon One, however, stand with AJ Hall's stuff at the height of my HP Fic enjoyment thus far, so to say that I'm excited for LC II is rather an understatement.
I'll have to get back to reading Laocoon's Children--I enjoyed Stealing Harry, but got bogged down in Cartographer's and gave up on the whole site.
I'm getting caught up on Fernwithy's fics now. Shifts was an excellent parallel look at OotP (what exactly were Lupin and Tonks doing during Harry's 5th year? One word: Smeltings!), and she's doing the same with Shades paralleling HBP.
Grr. I hate when I get pointless reviews on stories. It wasn't criticism - it was just pointing out a bit of canon that had nothing to do with the story, and that was addressed in a half-joking author's note. I've been spoiled a bit for an upcoming SGA ep by, of all things, a blurb on a recs page. (The story that was blurbed has no spoilers for as-yet-unaired eps, but apparently has a similar storyline to one)
People, don't assume everyone has seen all the eps you've seen.
I hate when that happens, Sheryl. It's a common problem in the anime fandoms, since some fans rely upon the official U.S. translations, while others get the fan-translated stuff from the web. It's like the whole NAFDA thing, but in reverse.
I have a feeling that the same thing will happen when Dr. Who is released on SciFi. People will start watching, and then go to fan sites and get inadvertently spoiled by people who DL'd the eps as they were aired in the UK.