I wrote the Veronica Mars story, A Little Bit More. Poor story; it got kind of cheated in favor of the other ficathon story I had due, and so there's not so much a, you know, plot. Or point. But I thought I got the voice all right.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
The one thing that's sad about Yuletide is that there are a lot of great stories I'm not likely to read, because I'm not familiar enough with the fandom to get what the story's about.
I wrote a Fables story, Rewrites and Revisions. And Katie, my situation's a bit reversed from yours in that another story of mine got shafted in favor of Yuletide.
As my last fannish act of 2005, I committed LOST porn. [link]
I wrote Wonderfalls, which people seemed to like, but unfortunately my recipient's on vacation. In Antigua, lucky girl. Curses!
I wrote the Threshold story "No Battle Can Be Lost", and I am too lazy to link. As per usual, I was one of the obscurer obscure fandoms. (But I got one rec.)
I wrote Samurai Champloo: The Wind Will Not Subside.
Emily should definitely link -- she got a lot of comments for that story! (I did my teeny tiny bit as a beta, which only needed very few comments, so I may count as a little prejudiced.)
Which Wonderfalls piece, Emily?
I'm always hesitant about the whole real-name/pen-name connection, but... well, what the heck. It's not the most popular Wonderfalls piece, but it made a decent showing. Of course, I keep noticing things I wish I'd thought of at the time -- 24 being a very young age to be running a bunch of dojos -- but for the most part I'm happy with it. And Theo and meara both kicked it into shape and helped me bat around titles -- Trashy Loon was a popular contender for a minute there, I think. Anyway: Apologetic Camel was mine. I was both intimidated and squeeish when it turned out Holli was my recipient, and then she went to Antigua before the stories were posted. Oh well.
Oh, and since I'm posting this, I'd like to also highly recommend the Wire in the Blood story that was written for me: Sublimation. Really good.
Does anyone have any Veronica Mars recs? I read Katie's and the ones at Bright Shiny Objects.....
Oh new fandom love...