Yeah, I decided not to do Yuletide this year after last year basically convinced me I couldn't actually complete a story and be satisfied with the result. Which is why my Great Harry Potter Femslash Novel remains stuck at chapter fourish (making it more of a Great Harry Potter Femslash opening, really.) and my Great AU Buffy/Angel Novel (in which W&H brings Tara back to life so she can stop Willow, who has basically become Jasmine - not too creative, but fun, dammit!) remains at chapter, oh, I don't know, probably 3, and it disappeared somewhere anyway.
My Yuletide story last year, on the other hand, was completed. I just wasn't happy with it. Though I do still read the LJ of my recipient, regularly, and helped edit a really good novel she wrote, so the experience was worthwhile.
I don't know why I'm rambling.
Never underestimate that burst of adrenaline.
Not to mention that there will be a lot of people up and around and in chat during this time, and frantic cries for help really won't be an imposition.
After a long absence, guess who's back?
Suddenly the young woman found herself in a state of disconcerting confusion given that the reverie she just experienced seemed surreally factual.
"Surreally factual" is my new favorite phrase EVAR.
I believe this bit comes in between the "It's a Wonderful Life"-type dream, and the part where she sees the ghost of a woman who was Michael's wife in another lifetime, so...things do start to seem surrealy factual by that point.
The draft of my Yuletide story is done. Now all I need to do is remove all the suck.
Oh, would that life were that easy.
The thing is, in my first drafts? You remove the suck and what you have left is fishing net.