Here, Betsy: [link]
It's pornier than a porny thing. With added porn.
'War Stories'
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Huh. There is such a thing as too much porn. Who knew?
I'm thinking the amount of porn would have been easier to take if there were an edge to it - for instance, if the process weren't magically eradicating the cumulative medical effects of that much... activity, or if some dangerous situation were to occur requiring more focus than people could muster. As it is, there's only the promise of a highly embarrassing communal case of the morning after oh noes.
I'm so glad I didn't sign up for Yuletide. But I'm glad y'all did, so I have fun things to read!
What. Suela. Said.
(Planning on spending 2 weeks reading fic over Christmas. With brief pauses to eat turkey and talk to family members. Maybe.)
I suspect you're right, Matt. I kept expecting things to go wrong, and instead they just kept going. And then the last bit at the end turned it into farce.
Still, Shalott: so well done, for what it is.
Planning on spending 2 weeks reading fic over Christmas.
Gah. I'm going to be offline for about a week at Christmas, since my folks don't have wireless. I might be able to check in once in a while, but there will be no ficreading. Sigh.
Hmm. Maybe I can load up my laptop with lots of stuff to read before I go. But really I should take the opportunity to write instead...
I only have one scene left to write on my Yuletide story, and I'm no longer freaking out. Well, not until I have to come up with a title and summary, any road.
I am starting to worry that this story is not going to happen. For one thing, I cannot find the handwritten draft of a central scene.
For another, I feel like my writing ability has taken a dive down the crapper. Feh.
Never underestimate that burst of adrenaline. God knows I'm counting on it.
Yeah, I decided not to do Yuletide this year after last year basically convinced me I couldn't actually complete a story and be satisfied with the result. Which is why my Great Harry Potter Femslash Novel remains stuck at chapter fourish (making it more of a Great Harry Potter Femslash opening, really.) and my Great AU Buffy/Angel Novel (in which W&H brings Tara back to life so she can stop Willow, who has basically become Jasmine - not too creative, but fun, dammit!) remains at chapter, oh, I don't know, probably 3, and it disappeared somewhere anyway.
My Yuletide story last year, on the other hand, was completed. I just wasn't happy with it. Though I do still read the LJ of my recipient, regularly, and helped edit a really good novel she wrote, so the experience was worthwhile.
I don't know why I'm rambling.