The slashiest Batman comic ever: [link]
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
D., I don't read extensively in any of your fandoms, but I can highly recommend the longass ST: Voyager series, "Talking Stick Stories", which turns out far better than the tv show itself actually did. It goes AU from about the end of season 1, so there's no Seven, no Borg, and lots of conflict with the Maquis. Also, no slash, but it is Janeway/Chakotay. Find it here: [link]
If you read X-Files, there's a ton of excellent novel-length fic out there, mostly casefiles or mytharc stories.
Rheanna wrote a terrific novel length fic called Twelve, which is brilliant
Oh, yay, I have that saved but I haven't gotten to it.
Suela's right about the X-files stuff. Are you into slash at all - I can think of some excellent novel-length slash stuff, and some gen.
I have not watched BSG (Though I would like to), nor any Stargates or Star Treks, nor X-Files (I'm actually rather new to TV, really. X-Files is on my list of "maybe some time I'll do it all but don't have time to start it now.")
I'm fine with slash in any fandom, so long as the story isn't exclusively about the sex. That's also true for het, actually - give me story or give me death.
give me story or give me death
I still want you to read Adena 1950, dang it. Which for my (no) money is one of the finest fics ever crafted, especially novel-length. I would have paid that guy to write fic, legality permitting. But I never even got to give him props...he archived it and didn't keep in touch.
sam_storyteller (who also goes by some other sam-related names, I think)
Sam Vimes. I haven't been reading HP very long, but he/she does wonderful things with sharp AUs and minor character explorations. I was just reading Reclamation yesterday, which deals with "What if Tom Riddle managed to avoid becoming Voldermort?". It made me go, Ooooooh.
Pretty sure Sam Vimes is actually a he.
Once you've read "Transfigurations", you should go pick up julad's prequel, which is called "Night-blooming Heartsease."
...must... tag
Go for it, Fay-babe.
erika, I"ll be able to enjoy Adena 1950 with no H:LOTS knowledge? I do intend to netflix that at some point too, but it could be a long time from now.
Oh, *crap*, yuletide is due in two weeks.
t begins freaking