Dana -- can you just add a colon and a subtitle? Counterpoint: something something?
Or isn't that enough?
(Hee -- call it Point: Counterpoint)
'The Message'
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Dana -- can you just add a colon and a subtitle? Counterpoint: something something?
Or isn't that enough?
(Hee -- call it Point: Counterpoint)
On the subject of vids - can you dowload them and watch them on iPods? Or is that crazy?
On the contrary, it was the subject of much mad squeeing when the video iPods were announced.
Dana -- can you just add a colon and a subtitle? Counterpoint: something something?
I'm sure I could figure out something, if I had any plans to change the title. I think they're nuts, and I can't figure out how to even reply to their e-mail without implying that, so I'm leaving it alone.
I pause to note proudly, at Vividcon 2004 I was demonstrating how I could process and load vids onto my Palm Zire.
I'm pretty sure I've seen a Farscape vid to Major Tom. FarscapeFantasy is your best bet to find it. No guarantees as to quality, however...
In the interest of getting reading material for my palm, everybody should suggest (at least) one (preferably long) fanfic work in Buffy, Angel, HP, Firefly, Joan of Arcadia, Veronica Mars, or classic Star Wars (basically anything that ignores the prequels - expanded universe is fine, I've got a good grasp of most of that.) Any odder fandoms ask me about, as I may be interested (His Dark Materials? Sure!)
I've read/collected a bunch of HP novels, including Invisible to See, Transfigurations, all of AJ Hall's stuff, and most of the stuff by sam_storyteller (who also goes by some other sam-related names, I think). But in the other fandoms, Phoenix Rising is pretty much my only novel-length venture.
Well, Rheanna and Yahtzee have two co-written novel-length Angel pieces, Splinter and A Stitch In Time.
I heartily second the rec for Splinter, which is funny and plotty and mind-bendy. Pylean Attack Cheese!
Do you watch Battlestar Galactica? Rheanna wrote a terrific novel length fic called Twelve, which is brilliant. Clever premise, terrific writing, all the usual Rheanna trademarks.
I don't know of any good novel-length Joan of Arcadia fic, but everyone should read Yahtzee's Goodnight, Moon (mid-length), which wrecked me. I think it's one of the best pieces of fanfiction I've read, full-stop.
A good longish post S1 VM fic, Logan-centric: Anjou's Into the Blue.
The slashiest Batman comic ever: [link]
D., I don't read extensively in any of your fandoms, but I can highly recommend the longass ST: Voyager series, "Talking Stick Stories", which turns out far better than the tv show itself actually did. It goes AU from about the end of season 1, so there's no Seven, no Borg, and lots of conflict with the Maquis. Also, no slash, but it is Janeway/Chakotay. Find it here: [link]
If you read X-Files, there's a ton of excellent novel-length fic out there, mostly casefiles or mytharc stories.
Rheanna wrote a terrific novel length fic called Twelve, which is brilliant
Oh, yay, I have that saved but I haven't gotten to it.
Suela's right about the X-files stuff. Are you into slash at all - I can think of some excellent novel-length slash stuff, and some gen.