Perkins, the writers involved are all good, and the first "episode" or two rocked. Then I stopped reading it, because of the whole pregnancy thing (and the finding virtual seasons weird, too thing), so I can't tell you anything more about it.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I agree on the weird thing, but it did seem like good writers. Mebbe I will read one or two, just to see.
For what it's worth, I've read most of them and wasn't impressed despite good writers being involved. Spoilery:
It takes elements I'd complained about in later seasons (everyone the protagonists meet being a demon or knowledgable about same, Spike & Angel's infantile "am not!"/"are too!" arguments) and magnifies them into about 75% of the total content. Oh, and there are the stories where Gwen Raiden races in to the rescue as a deus ex machina, and subsequently takes Illyria for a Girl's Night Out to teach it how a modern woman should be empowered by her sex appeal.
Oh! Oh! And the finale is essentially the Star Trek novel Q-Squared with Angel characters plugged into the plot in place of Picard, etc.
Bad Brat Queen, no biscuit.
That sounds less promising. Bummer.
It might be worth Plei's time, and that of others who really get into Connor - I recall a fair amount of good writing concerning him.
Um. So I posted a couple of stories at the Wraithbait archive last night.
This morning, I got an e-mail from one of the co-archivists, saying that they try to avoid stories with the same title, and there was an existing story with the title "Counterpoint", and when they find duplicates, they ask the author of the newer story to change the title. Although I'm under no obligation, and they totally understand if I don't want to.
Am I crazy for finding that...more or less crazy? In a fandom the size of SGA?
Am I crazy for finding that...more or less crazy? In a fandom the size of SGA?
Speaking as an archivist of tiny to gigantor archives, they are INSANE.
Yeah, I rather thought so.
I also can't imagine changing the title of a story after it's been posted. If it were totally brand-new, maybe, but the archivist even mentioned that she'd read it on the LJ community.