sisabet's made a Due South vid about Fraser and Victoria. [link]
Everyone needs to see this.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Does anyone else get nervous when posting a story in a new fandom?
Depends on the story and the fandom, I suppose.
... but no, not really. I'm arrogant secure enough in my writing not to be really worried I'm going to humiliate myself. My only real fear would be running afoul of canon if I hadn't seen it all.
Which may explain why I tend to go AU so frequently...
Does anyone else get nervous when posting a story in a new fandom?
Pretty much every time, yeah, so it happens to me on a regular basis.
okay the yuletide assignments have been sent out and I keep checking my inbox but there's nothing there and I really want my yuletide assignment and WHY ISN'T IT HERE?
ETA: Yeah, spam filters. Thank god someone suggested I check my spam filters.
I got mine. Now I'm all, "Oh crap, that's right, I did offer to write that. Why? Man, I can't do that! I wanted to write one of the other ones!"
But I think I'm just whiny today, because people SUCK. But I'm sure it'll work out okay.
(The fanfiction, not people sucking. Because that's likely to get worse.)
Dana, I saw several acknowledgements to a 'Dana' in Highlander fic (Amand'r, among others). Is that you pre-pseud, or is it somebody else's pseud?
Not me. Once I got involved with slash, the pseud made its appearance.
Yuletide assignment has been received. Out of my recipient's four requests, there's only one I know. Fortunately, it'll be a really easy one. I think. Maybe.
Edit: I got off lucky. The gal I beta-read for had someone request mpreg for the one fandom she knows.
Someone wrote me fic! Me! I feel special. And not in the way I usually do. So now I have to tell people to go and read it. John, Rodney, and what I did last weekend, for my sins.