I'm really sorry for the bad fic. I hope this makes it better.
A very nice drawing of Sheppard [link]
Nice drawings of Sheppard and McKay (different artist) [link]
I don't think this has been recced here, it's called Daemonology and it's a SGA/His Dark Materials fusion. There's a link that explains the world building for the series His Dark Materials, which I haven't read but now I'm going to be looking for at the library.
Oh, yeah, I was impressed by Daemonology. It was well done, although Rodney's question was a really good one, because really, daemons seem not such a smart move, evolutionarily.
This is probably not the place for self-congratulatory wanking, but...I got poetry feedback from Brighid. Dude.
Ooh! You have totally arrived.
You have totally arrived.
That's what I said to mely!
I just read Eight Ways that John and Rodney Give Themselves Away by trinityofone. It's in the vein of Five Things that never happened stories.
Dana - That's really cool!!
I got poetry feedback from Brighid. Dude.
Dana wins at Fandom!
I always blush if Brighid or Des give me feedback. I mean, I've met them and everything, so -- but I do anyway.
Just a tiny bit from a fic which made me laugh-- nothing like the Nikita woman...
Donna rubbed her dry itchy eyes realizing she had become a Visine
commercial. She signed as the words blurred together on the sentence
she had been trying to read for the last half hour.
It took me a few moments to realize the person meant sighed and not signed. I think the existance of a deaf person in the West Wing confused me.