I killed the thread with the really really bad fic.
I'm sorry.
Mal ,'The Train Job'
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I killed the thread with the really really bad fic.
I'm sorry.
You really did. Maybe it's time for good fic links.
For instance: The Lay of Celoni More is probably the most creative Atlantis story I've ever seen. Quite possibly the most creative piece of fanfiction I've ever seen. It is, in many ways, barely fanfiction. Gen.
Also by Salieri, Would, But Not Unless; Jack and Daniel over seven years. Slash.
And then there's some crack!fic Atlantis crossover she's started, as well. Nefertiti Never Had Days Like This. So damned funny, and the voices are perfect. Slash, also, although that's not the point.
I'm really sorry for the bad fic. I hope this makes it better.
A very nice drawing of Sheppard [link]
Nice drawings of Sheppard and McKay (different artist) [link]
I don't think this has been recced here, it's called Daemonology and it's a SGA/His Dark Materials fusion. There's a link that explains the world building for the series His Dark Materials, which I haven't read but now I'm going to be looking for at the library.
Oh, yeah, I was impressed by Daemonology. It was well done, although Rodney's question was a really good one, because really, daemons seem not such a smart move, evolutionarily.
This is probably not the place for self-congratulatory wanking, but...I got poetry feedback from Brighid. Dude.
Ooh! You have totally arrived.
You have totally arrived.
That's what I said to mely!
I just read Eight Ways that John and Rodney Give Themselves Away by trinityofone. It's in the vein of Five Things that never happened stories.
Dana - That's really cool!!
I got poetry feedback from Brighid. Dude.
Dana wins at Fandom!
I always blush if Brighid or Des give me feedback. I mean, I've met them and everything, so -- but I do anyway.