And Atlantis watchers should go read Salieri's The Lay of Celoni More, which may be the most creative Atlantis story I've yet read. Just brilliant. Gen.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
So much of Atlantis fic pairs up the two male leads, I'm almost surprised to be reminded that the slash isn't canon for the most part.
Oddly enough, I never ran into that problem with Angel.
What I find especially charming about SGA slash is the way in which writers cheerfully admit that "aliens made us do it" is a total wish-fulfilment fantasy -- and then go ahead and write it anyway, and do it well. It's as if they're on a mission from God to improve all the bad premises.
Lawrence Watt Evans used to regularly say that (paraphrasing) there's no really bad ideas, just unimaginative writers, and the older I get, the more I believe him.
What I find especially charming about SGA slash is the penguins.
Crazy. But cute.
...oh, damn. And now I want to go and read more John/Rodney goodness, just because they're So. Damned. Adorable. In an almost Due South- ish kind of way. Bless.
Plus - Ronan. Or possibly Ronon. Teh hot. Gah.
I think the thing I find most charming about SGA slash is the hot men that do sex.
My expectations are powerfully colored by the fandoms I've been in, but, dude -- all these relationships, where is my angst? It is confounding how nice and well-adjusted everybody seems to be.
There needs to be an outbreak of the un-charming kind of character flaws.
Like dandruff?
Dandruff is not a character flaw. Dandruff is like flatulence, love-handles, and allergies -- physical flaw. Although if a character were simultaneously to have dandruff, flatulence, love-handles, and allergies, he might be insecure enough to develop character flaws.
Not that I particularly want to read fanfic about black garments turning gray and sex acts being interrupted by farts and sneezing.
You're very optimistic. I was trying to match the degree of flaw to the fandom. Still, maybe Ronon could ... I guess hiccoughs don't count either, huh?