Fay, her LJ name for the original novel is naominovik
'Never Leave Me'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
If you haven't already, run and download what is simply the most charmingly original Spike/Angel vid I've seen in a very long time. Sisabet recommended it, which is always a good sign, and I can't wipe the smile from my face. (But grab the small version, as there's something wrong with the large file.)
Hee! That was awesome.
I am v. v. sad. ten_and_chips in the Livejournal FandomHigh has locked down all her [author's gender, not character's] naughty entries. No more porn.
I knew this thread would understand my angst.
I'm the more sad, as I hadn't heard of her before and now I feel I have missed something great.
You have. Dr. Who (tenth version)/CJ Cregg, with promise of a forthcoming Methos three-way. Ah, crossover crack, how do I love thee.
After you first linked to fandom high a few weeks ago, Betsy, I went over and poked about a bit. I determined that there was no possible way I could hope to follow 1/10 of what was going on, without quitting my job and giving up all other leisure activities.
Fascinating but.
Brighid has posted a really lovely Halloweeny Firefly story here. [link] Spoilers for Serenity!
Owie. That was gorgeous.
And Atlantis watchers should go read Salieri's The Lay of Celoni More, which may be the most creative Atlantis story I've yet read. Just brilliant. Gen.