Lex/Dick? HA.
Batman would maim him if he tried anything.
'Dirty Girls'
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Lex/Dick? HA.
Batman would maim him if he tried anything.
Yep. Lick. So the opening declares.
I am Alexander Jerome Luthor.
The most powerful man of Metropolis, soon the lord of Gotham City. Within a few seasons, the undisputed master of this planet.
Like most conquerors, I have my Achilles heel. And like them, I fear its discovery.
The Justice League and that big Boy Scout would probably regard me with some trepidation if they find out. The other so-called super-villains on Earth would undoubtedly find some way to exploit it. Which is why I have always taken great pains to conceal it, suffer the fulfillment of that hunger for years, if necessary, or assuage it through some other means.
Fortunately, my brain is much more powerful and is in control of my bodily appetites.
Until I made his re-acquaintance, bringing me to despair.
Until I learned his secret, which brought me glorious jubilation and no small amount of grim satisfaction.
How long will you remain out there? I call out to the evening beyond the windowsill of my palatial fortress. You cant stay out forever.
(except for the part where she's apparently serious)
Well, at least Lex has that supervillian grandeur going.
Lord of Gotham? Again, Batman would maim him if he tried anything. Gotham is his, and Dick is his, and not even Superman gets a free pass.
I call out to the evening beyond the windowsill of my palatial fortress.
Hee. This reminds me that I've always wanted someone to make a Lex/Clark vid to Bif Naked's "Spaceman". (And a Duncan/Methos vid to "Moment of Weakness".)
not even Superman gets a free pass.
Although at least there the pissing-match could be a lot of fun.
not even Superman gets a free pass
(I love when Superman comes to Gotham and gets smacked down--and he always takes it, the big sub.)
Mmmm, Batman/Superman.
I bet Superman brings Batman batcookies from Martha for Halloween. And then he stands too close and smiles too much.
I bet Superman brings Batman batcookies from Martha for Halloween. And then he stands too close and smiles too much.
You know Jeph Loeb has that in his cut scenes somewhere.
You know what I want? Bizarro/Batzarro. Nothing stronger than PG.
Because they're such the completely crack-addled OTP, but I don't want to think of them actually having The Sex.