Are you entirely sure that it's not some AI writing this? Taking random sentences from millions of other fics and substituting names?
'Heart Of Gold'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I know when I get baffled... wait, what? Sorry, where was I?
Let's say a goil was newly in love with BSG. And let's say a goil was newly in love with starbuck, in an oh-she-needs-a-good-woman way. Where would said purely hypothetical girl find the purely hypothetical fic?
Amych, I'd look first at Crack_Van. The BSG recs there have been surprisingly reliable. Of the ficcers recc'd there, my favorite Starbuck writer by far is Sangga. I think her stuff is mostly Starbuck/Apollo though. I haven't seen much femslash in the fandom.
t bestows many grateful smooches on Vonnie
Wait, there are smoochies?
I've been watching Starsky and Hutch and I really like it. But I'm trying to find more fanfic. I've read all the recommendations on PolyRecs, is there anywhere else that has good recs or any other authors I should look up.
Huh, I never did write all htose Starsky & Hutch stories that wandered through my mind.
Crack Van does Starsky and Hutch sometimes.
I do love Crack_Van. Granted, the recs can be of variable quality depending on who's doing the reccin'g that month (I still remember that one month when someone recc'd all kind of Jack/Daniel badfic for SG-1; Oy), but it's such a helpful resource when there is a good mix of different kinds of fic. The new BSG section seems particularly nicely balanced between what appears to be the two major pairings in the fandom (Starbuck/Apollo and Roslin/Apollo), with generous sprinklings of good gen, vignettes, and minor-character fic. Haven't seen much slash there yet--it's actually one fandom where I think there is much more potential for some excellent femslash rather than m/m.