It still doesn't match SV, where there were archives full of the stuff before the show even premiered.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Boy, the writers hit the ground running on that one, didn't they?
Yes, yes they did.
Not as quickly as Smallville, but pretty quickly.
It's been so long since I had a reading fandom so full of potential for light, funny slash! It's like Sports Night, with meat!
Dear Fox, please don't cancel. I need the fic.
... inevitable sv fic x-post
Hee! Smallville crosspost!
PotC was also working it long before the movie release. Though the paring I see most often since the movie (Sparrow/Norrington) isn't the pre-movie fav.
(and it's a Smallville xpost xpost.)
People took a while to get Norrington -- I remember when I first saw the movie, I thought he wanted Jack so very badly, and fandom was all "he's such a stuffy jerk! Orlando pwetty!" Which, true on both counts, but.
It took me three viewings of PotC to get the Norrington lust. Luckily I saw it way more than that.
I got the Norrington lust right away, but I was already madly crushed out on JD.
Is the KC slash between Jack and the British guy?
And here I thought Atlantis was taking over for Smallville in the slash department.
Is the KC slash between Jack and the British guy?
So far, yes. But there's so much potential for threesomes here! The beauty is that so far, this appears to be a Lego fandom. All the pieces fit together nicely.
The LJ fic community, which I thank Smonster for the pointer towards, is here: [link]