Have the election results been posted? Did Tiffany succeed in getting elected?
I've been distracted and late catching up on the controversy. And defaulted on voting.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Have the election results been posted? Did Tiffany succeed in getting elected?
I've been distracted and late catching up on the controversy. And defaulted on voting.
She was not elected.
Thanks, Dana. As soon as I get my laptop woes fixed I need to send money to OTW.
She was not elected.
Good. The whole thing was a good reminder to me to keep my OTW membership up to date.
Attention whore, whoring for attention: Family, If You Wanted (OFMD, obviously, Oluwande POV of the last 3 episodes of Season 1)
Did anyone on the planet ask for an OFMD/Little Shop of Horrors crossover? No, they did not, including me, but that’s what I ended up with: [link]
Dana, my lack of sleep is 100% because of your RNM fic "Contractual Obligations." I just finished chapter 14 (SCREAMING FOREVER), and it's after midnight and I have work tomorrow but I can't. stop. reading! It's so fucking good.
Muahahaha! I will share that with my co-author. We are, um, 40K into the sequel.
We are, um, 40K into the sequel.
That makes me so happy, because this is one of those fics that, even though it's >100K, as I'm reading it, I keep telling myself to slow down so that I don't finish it too quickly. But knowing there's more on the horizon is excellent!
Dana! DANA. Holy shit, that was SO fucking good! (Obviously I didn't slow down; I zipped right through to the end.) I was crying with laughter at how this one line just totally sums up Kyle Valenti: "Do I know anyone who isn’t an alien?"