I . . . do not know this fic.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Here you go, Parker: [link] Rather long, very VERY good. t edit Sheesh, I didn't even notice that Atropa already provided the link, because I was in such a rush to Be A Helper. D'oh.
My therapist is excellent, but not in sync with me on pop culture (except for a tiny handful of things, like The Good Place and Shrill), so I can never quite explain my latest pop culture-related epiphany to her, which kills me. (I had to explain depressed!fat hero!Thor in Endgame to her so that I could talk about how much that resonated with me. And to her credit, she got it. But she really needs to watch some damn MCU movies.)
Because she and I could absolutely talk about this fic in a way that's very relevant to my life.
Thank you for the reminder that I should call my therapist, because after the last couple three weeks . . . . Jim's in Nashville, so I can read tonight.
....Or I could just fall asleep at 7 pm. But maybe one day soon.
I'm in the middle of re-reading it right now. Damn, that's good stuff.
By the end, I was flapping my hands and making "she's an atheist bodhisattva?!?" noises.
Okay, I don't have time to do a big dump of my GO fic recs, because the shit has hit my own personal fan in a big way today, but I'll throw this one out, because it is SCREAMINGLY funny, especially to anyone who's ever belonged to an online community: The Official Mr Fell Quarantine Thread.
You can't have a headcanon about a real person!
Oh, you sweet summer child.