Yay! I will read it tonight. If you get a chance, please tell the popslashers thank you for me.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Because I'm sure everyone is waiting to know: Flesh Mechanic: Not an AU was good! Subtly creepy and unsettling. The the photo manipulated documents were really clever, and now I know where the Tumblr folks got their ideas for the Hannibal Trialverse posts.
I still prefer Cultverse in bandom, because 1) "my" RPF fandom, and 2) more overtly creepy and fucked-up. Vastly more fucked-up. If there was an equivalent to Hydra Trash Party for bandom, Cultverse would be it.
See, I think Cultverse is less like HTP (general) and probably the spiritual ancestor of shit like StoatSandwich's 4F Universe (trash with more specificity). But that's me splitting hairs.
StoatSandwich's 4F Universe
I just know I'm going to regret asking this question, but what fandom is that?
(trash with more specificity)
You're probably right. Cultverse has some plot /character details that are constants no matter what story: PWentz is a creepy not-quite-cult-leader, and Saporta is an even CREEPIER not-quite-but-moreso-cult-leader. Who really does keep people in his basement.
I refuse to be ashamed of how entertaining I find Cultverse, but there's no way I am ever making it a public bookmark.
Who really does keep people in his basement.
Also, I just earwormed myself. But it's one of my favorite songs by Cobra Starship, so ...
4F is MCU. AU Cap fandom, specifically.
I WROTE A THING. A thing that requires that you have watched a web series that I love and many people look at me sideways for. Link to twelve part web series on YouTube (This story makes absolutely no sense without a familiarity with the canon and the canon's tone.)
Actual thing I wrote for PicFor1000...
Good Fortune (1000 words) by Minim Calibre
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Catherine (Web Series)
I would like to call out Vonnie for her reblogging of gifsets from the Strike series (based on the Robert Galbraith aka JK Rowling mysteries), making me go, "Oh hey, it's Tom Burke" and "Huh, look at Vonnie raving about UST", which lead me to reading the book and watching the series and now I am done, and not only is there no more book and no more TV, there's NO DECENT FIC.
I'm feeling personally wounded here, Vonnie.
Oh great, someone to share my pain! Honestly, I'm calling myself out for getting into the series, 'cause did ya see where she left them at the end of series 3?? Jesus fucking Christ.
I've only read the first book so far, so I've still got the next two to read as methadone at least. I follow JKR on twitter -- she is making noises about writing and plotting, and I find myself muttering under my breath, "you better be working on the Strike books and not some HP prequels or such nonsense OR ELSE"
The lack of fic hurts me deep in my soul. I mean, I understand. There is no real way to legally watch it Stateside unless one torrents or hacks the BBC iPlayer. BUT THEIR FACES, DANA. Why do they have so much stupid chemistry. *cries* Why aren't there dozens of completed casefile fic where they are fake-married!
Okay, I did like that one longish WIP where Cormoran and Robin pose as engaged couple to ferret out a murderer. It hasn't been updated in eons though.
I do not read WIPs, you cannot tempt me.
How long until Yuletide?
I read a really good Star Wars/Rogue One story this weekend. floating, sinking is an Everyone Lives AU, which starts right after Rogue One and carries through with a politically-savvy AU of Star Wars, in which Rogue One also ends up on the Death Star when Luke and Han show up. It's really very good, and nicely long: 188,000 words. Oh, and it's Jyn/Cassian, Base/Chirrut.
I need more stories like this if I'm going to be home sick tomorrow, as I expect.