I had the same brief thought.
'Objects In Space'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
The Peter Jackson—LotR connection didn't exactly ward off that association in my mind either.
AO3 is now a blocked website on my work phone. Oops.
I'm reading porn at work on my personal phone which seems like a good response to V-Day, Arrow and Pitch porn with a little fluff. I still need to find some new ships. 9-1-1 has some possibility, but weirdly most shows I currently watch do not.
edit to add - Veronica Mars also, always good for fic.
Is that Arrow and Pitch X-over?
No, separate. That would be an odd little crossover.
Was anyone in this thread in popslash? I'm trying to find out how familiar with popslash fandom I'd need to be to read one of the Big Legendary Fics, Flesh Mechanic: not an AU. I mostly want to read it because 1) it's supposed to be one of the big groundbreaking ones, 2) it's supposed to be supremely creepy, and 3) (which is, if I'm honest, reason #1) it's the fic that was the inspiration for my favorite creepy & fucked up bandom universes.
So, do I need to know anything about N'sync to read it? Any of you know?
Luckily, shrift and I are at Escapade and sitting next to three popslashers. They all agree that there's a little bit of established fanon that would add some layers to the story, but it definitely stands on its own just fine.
Yay! I will read it tonight. If you get a chance, please tell the popslashers thank you for me.
Because I'm sure everyone is waiting to know: Flesh Mechanic: Not an AU was good! Subtly creepy and unsettling. The the photo manipulated documents were really clever, and now I know where the Tumblr folks got their ideas for the Hannibal Trialverse posts.
I still prefer Cultverse in bandom, because 1) "my" RPF fandom, and 2) more overtly creepy and fucked-up. Vastly more fucked-up. If there was an equivalent to Hydra Trash Party for bandom, Cultverse would be it.