Better than no words.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Now 97! I'm exhausted and considering retiring for the night.
I hit 2310 before bed, which puts me at "first act draft mostly done I think."
I'm sure it will grow. It's not going to grow like last year, though. I have an actual job this year.
Godspeed, Yuletide writers. I am cheering you on from the sidelines.
Anyone who might still like this sort of thing, I finished my noir! Entourage fic. [link]
A conversation that just happened in my house:
Pete: "Did you see the trailer for Mortal Engines? I don't know anything about the books, but the trailer looked cool."
Me, in a tone of mild loathing: "Oh no."
I google
Me: "Oh thank G-D, I had confused Mortal Engines with Mortal Instruments ."
Pete: "... Buh?"
And then I explain the Cassie Clare saga to Pete.
I had the same brief thought.
The Peter Jackson—LotR connection didn't exactly ward off that association in my mind either.
AO3 is now a blocked website on my work phone. Oops.
I'm reading porn at work on my personal phone which seems like a good response to V-Day, Arrow and Pitch porn with a little fluff. I still need to find some new ships. 9-1-1 has some possibility, but weirdly most shows I currently watch do not.
edit to add - Veronica Mars also, always good for fic.