Dear Science Chimp,
There is a badge reader next to the door. It is flashing red, the universal color of "you are denied access."
Yanking on the door will not suddenly make the light green. When you see me get up from my desk to let you in, and you continuously YANK on the OBVIOUSLY LOCKED DOOR, it makes me want to sit back down at my desk and ignore you.
You are a fucking idiot, please get off my planet. I'm sure you can build yourself a rocket ship and go.
The Secretary
Ok, I was confused. Because I couldn't remember a Dana on News Radio, but Dana on SportsNight is so not smoky.
I guess I'm still confused.
It's News Radio. Beth says it to Lisa.
Lisa: Alright look I did not ask for the stupid award.
Beth: If I were you I'd be upset too. I mean you?Cute? Come on.
Lisa: I am not entirely uncute. I... I... Why are you being nasty about this?
Beth: I'm not being nasty. You're pretty. You're very pretty in fact. But cute, I don't think so.
Lisa: Well I wasn't aware there was a difference.
Beth: Well of course there is a difference. Pretty means pretty. Cute means pretty but short and/or
hyperactive-- like me!
Lisa: Uh huh. What is beautiful?
Beth: Beautiful means pretty and tall.
Lisa: Gorgeous?
Beth: Pretty with great hair.
Lisa: Striking?
Beth: Pretty with a big nose.
Lisa: OK, you're making this up.
Beth: That's ridiculous, why would I make it up?
Lisa: Sexy?
Beth: Pretty and easy.
Lisa: Exotic?
Beth: Ugly
Unless there's also a Sports Night thing that I am unawares of.
Anthropologie is so weird.
Last (and only, it is a new store) time I was in there I was simulaneously uninterested in the clothes and a bit scared by the prices.
I have to get a dress for a wedding in SD in August. Uhg.
On the way home, should I stop at Best Buy to get a TV or go to Costco to get a printer?
Which would be more satisfying tonight? Shiny new printer or shiny new tv? That should answer your question.
Hmm. That's a good question. Sadly, I just realized I didn't bring the right credit card with me, so I think the answer is neither, at least until tomorrow.
I kiled Natter!
Let's see if this will bring it back:
1) Who is hotter, Logan on GG, or Logan on VM
2) Which has prettier people, Alias, or Lost
3) True or False: Don Henley has a sexy singing voice.