It's News Radio. Beth says it to Lisa.
Lisa: Alright look I did not ask for the stupid award.
Beth: If I were you I'd be upset too. I mean you?Cute? Come on.
Lisa: I am not entirely uncute. I... I... Why are you being nasty about this?
Beth: I'm not being nasty. You're pretty. You're very pretty in fact. But cute, I don't think so.
Lisa: Well I wasn't aware there was a difference.
Beth: Well of course there is a difference. Pretty means pretty. Cute means pretty but short and/or
hyperactive-- like me!
Lisa: Uh huh. What is beautiful?
Beth: Beautiful means pretty and tall.
Lisa: Gorgeous?
Beth: Pretty with great hair.
Lisa: Striking?
Beth: Pretty with a big nose.
Lisa: OK, you're making this up.
Beth: That's ridiculous, why would I make it up?
Lisa: Sexy?
Beth: Pretty and easy.
Lisa: Exotic?
Beth: Ugly
Unless there's also a Sports Night thing that I am unawares of.
Anthropologie is so weird.
Last (and only, it is a new store) time I was in there I was simulaneously uninterested in the clothes and a bit scared by the prices.
I have to get a dress for a wedding in SD in August. Uhg.
On the way home, should I stop at Best Buy to get a TV or go to Costco to get a printer?
Which would be more satisfying tonight? Shiny new printer or shiny new tv? That should answer your question.
Hmm. That's a good question. Sadly, I just realized I didn't bring the right credit card with me, so I think the answer is neither, at least until tomorrow.
I kiled Natter!
Let's see if this will bring it back:
1) Who is hotter, Logan on GG, or Logan on VM
2) Which has prettier people, Alias, or Lost
3) True or False: Don Henley has a sexy singing voice.
Don Henley must die!
Don't let him get back together with Glen Frye!
Wait, you prefer Frye to Henley? I can see not liking either, but not that.