I was just reviewing Jon's post about the week leading up to the big event:
Sun May 29 - Cleared out a room in my house for FAQ Girl's stuff.
Mon May 30 - Helped FAQ Girl move in to my house.
Tues May 31 - Took a deep breath.
Wed June 1 - Got married.
And I would just like to say I'm glad Jon and FAQ girl did the sensible thing and decided to cohabitate for a while before tying the knot. :)
I know we have DQs here. I had a peanut butter parfait about 6 years ago (I remember because the suffering it caused was insane.) Before that...probably high school. We used to always stop at the DQ in TorC on the way north.
I'm glad Jon and FAQ girl did the sensible thing and decided to cohabitate for a while before tying the knot.
Two days of sin is all they could manage...
Frank Lloyd Wright vs. Zombies.
Very funny! And freaky/cool, since Doe and Janine are good friends of ours and there they are in some random blog being all funny and stuff.
I'm glad Jon and FAQ girl did the sensible thing and decided to cohabitate for a while before tying the knot.
Oh, she's been living at my house way longer than two days. Ever since NO, so over a week!
You made her live without a room for her stuff for that long? For shame!
Jon and FAQ are the cutest newlyweds ever. With them and Nora and TW, I think there's something in the Somerville water which leads to a very adorable kind of love.
I'm going with a friend to see "Prairie Home Companion" at the Hollywood Bowl tonight. I've always wanted to see the show live, and I've never been to the Bowl, so it should be a fantabulous evening!
Congratulations, Jon & FAQ girl!
The pictures are lovely. Best wishes!
I am starting to reconsider my father's regular offer to move back home to Somerville....