I tried, I tried, but we were working on defenses, mostly. I did get to bend people's wrists and sweep them to the ground, though. That was fun.
I'm a dead person. I'm so glad I have the inconvenient doctor's appointment tomorrow, and will be working from home. I can sleep in
have the fluffy pancakes for brekkie.
Trying is good. So is sweeping them to the ground.
Good luck with the doctor tomorrow!
Rio, I didn't look too, too, closely, but there are rings and bracelets for kids... [link]
Perhaps not to his exact specifications, but...
Thanks, Jen. I think the stuff on that site is a little on the gaudy side for him. I think he's thinking, like, um, tasteful luxury.
Heh, yeah, I was just looking at it again. Not really what he has in mind, I see. Gotta love a 6 y.o with sophisticated tastes.
I just love that he knows what a tennis bracelet is and asks for it by name.
What about stuff like this: [link] Rio. Maybe some of it would be small enough to fit him.
I think he and my [sometimes uncannily precocious] 6 y.o. niece could have could have hours and hours of fun together. And she has a kick-ass costume collection. Though, her jewels are still mostly on the gaudy side (he could maybe give her some pointers), though there are a couple of pretty spiffy tiraras in the mix.
Hmm. Do you think something like this would fit such a wee (and limp) wrist?
I think it's darling that he wants a tennis bracelet.
Jon, congratulations.
What excellent news!