Where does she think she is? Australia?
Hey! Australia was one of the first places in the world to give women the right to vote.
Gay Penguin Dads kids' book. Aww!
Hee. I'm tempted.
I did not inquire as to whether my Bob named John had a secondary sex penis, or if it was named wee bob.
At that point I think he'd have to call it Bobbitt.
Australia was one of the first places in the world to give women the right to vote.
Did Australia give it or did the women pry it from Australia's manly hands?
Does Australia have mandatory voting? I think that's what I thought the point there was.
It's not quite Fuckster, but: http://www.shagster.net/
I don't suppose we have any accounting folk around here who could answer a question for me...
Well, the original studies were done with dogs.
But wasn't there a follow up study done with people? Some sort of cognitive task and noise and the ability to switch the noise on and off. Also, if I remember correctly, it wasn't Skinner doing the experiments at all but Selig? Silig? Something like that.
It's been too many years since my educational psych classes.
ita! I need help! What were the directions for the beef patties? 375 or 350? and for how long?
Okay, has anyone else had the cappucino flavored kit kats?
Did Australia give it or did the women pry it from Australia's manly hands?
Give it, I think. I don't recall much in the way of suffrage movement confrontations as you saw in Britain, for instance. Edit: well, I doubt it was some blokes in Parliament woke up one day and thought, "this'd make a nice present for the wife", but it seemed less contentious here than elsewhere.
That's the thing -- that kind of learned helpless leads to self-contempt, because I perceive myself as growing less competent over time.
Ah. There's also the learned helplessness which is derived from arrogance. "I am too [senior/well-educated/important] to be required to learn this. Therefore I will not learn it, will bungle it, and other people will stop asking me to do this."
One of my former coworkers was a master at this strategy. I believe he honestly thought he was too good to learn how to use a computer competently. Should have been born in the era of secretaries and dictation.
... and, er, hello, all. ::waves::