[eta: But I hope it's like Nutty's scenario, including the names.]
He will have come from Wisconsin. From carpenter-folk. A lost tribe of Wisconsin carpenter-folk, wandering the wilds and leaving decorative scroll handiwork wherever they go.
Did I say Tuesday was particularly bad for me? I think I did.
"I Wish You Could Meet My Girlfriend (My Girlfriend Who Lives On Coruscant)" killed me dead, but Nutty's whitefont just now put the
nail in my coffin.
It's on the X chromosome, which is consistent with longstanding anecdotal evidence that baldness in men is more correlated with baldness in their maternal grandfathers rather than with baldness in their own fathers.
That's anecdotal? Huh.
Also, can I just reiterate how much I love math? Really? Really really? Even though I don't really understand lots of it? Granted, this current bout of math-love is brought on by fanfiction, but c'est la vie de Emily.
Is anyone's Tuesday not sucking royally?
Let's woke up with the chills and raging queasiness, so I called in sick. Not so queasy anymore, but still absurdly cold-feeling.
I'm going to go with that being of the suck.
The copier tried to make my Tuesday suck by refusing to work, but I have conquered it. Oh yeah, it's my bitch. The copier, not Tuesday. I'm still laying low hoping Tuesday doesn't notice me, really. But that copier will be bringing me Mai Tais before too long.
I have pretty much finished the one task I had to do here at work, and now my boss is in a meeting. Ah well.
Tuesday's been okay to me so far. Other than the filky earworms which are preventing me from getting any more work done, that is.
t unabashed skipping of 2000+ posts and an apology for doing so
paging ita and Jesse:
Do you want yhour initial on the stationary to be centered top? centered bottom? different placement?
Kat!! You're back! Yay! We just got in a couple of hours ago!!!!!!!