Oh yeah, I meant to say this -- I think the main thing landlords care about, credit-wise, is do you pay your rent and do you make enough money. I don't think they actually care about when you pay your other bills, unless you are completely out of the realm of responsible bill-payer who sometimes gets in a little trouble.
I am hoping this is the case. I have never been even LATE with my rent my whole life, but I have been late with credit cards and also forgot to pay my car insurance long enough that it got cancelled and I had to have it reinstated. And I have also (for the same reason of stupidity) been late for parking tickets.
After my landlord made a couple of comments obliquely pointing out (correctly) that I'm in a lower income bracket than most of my neighbors, I made a point of mentioning to the building manager that rent always comes first each month before I even look at other bills.
Also, did I mention how WONDERFUl this apartment is!
A sunporch! ability to have cats! an attic! nice woodwork!
I have never been even LATE with my rent my whole life, but I have been late with credit cards and also forgot to pay my car insurance long enough that it got cancelled and I had to have it reinstated.
This is me, except without the car, and I've always been OK as long as I made enough money.
Good luck with the wonderful apartment!!
It sounds like I have a similar or worse credit history than you do, Sophia, and I just passed a credit check for the apartment I moved into this month. So you probably have nothing to worry about.
Though I will admit, I worried until I knew I'd been approved.
Though I will admit, I worried until I knew I'd been approved
I can't help but be nervous anytime I know I'm being checked. I got jumpy when I was just getting my laptop at Best Buy- when I got the car I thought I'd chew my nails off.
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you, Sophia.
The only way I could deal with getting a car loan was to have an already approved loan from my credit card company. The dealer gave me a better rate, as it turned out, but I never would have gone in had I not had $X at my diposal.
Um, as long as I don't have to go to the land of snow and cold.
Actually, the weather here is, at the moment, gorgeous. Because I am trapped in my office with windows that don't open, of course.
Tuesday is petty.
Tuesday just decided that what I
needed was a mild case of food poisoning.
Ow. That was just mean.
So I just emailed my advisor to check on my degree requirements and ask who teaches a particular course this summer. Could folks cross their fingers for it not being the idiot teacher I just got done with? Cause I have my schedule for Summer and Fall all worked out if it's not her. If it is... well, there'll need to be some reshuffling. Because there's no way I'm putting up with her two hours a day, four days a week in one of the more pedagogically important classes of the program. I'd really rather not take curriculum design from someone who I know from personal experience has no idea how to pace a class.