How so, Ms. Perkins?
That'll teach you to go being close to the earth with the life-bearing and all. On the plus side, now you embody The Mystery Of Life itself. Also, you're milky.
When I've used Palmer's Bottom Butter on her, and she's been eating, we both wind up smelling like melted ice cream. I'm gonna go out on a limb, though, and say that there's not much mysterious about the whole baby thing. To tie into earlier, it's like having an in-house science lesson.
Honestly, is there anyone more awesome than Jon Stewart? I think not. He has fucking ZELL MILLER on the show, and is so fucking awesome.
Spoil me. I haven't watched it yet and was dreading the interview. But it's okay?
When I've used Palmer's Bottom Butter on her, and she's been eating, we both wind up smelling like melted ice cream.
Remind me to send you some of this.
Stains like hell, though.
Wait, Allyson, do you want me, or the flowers? Because I can totally order them from my PDA on my way to class, if it's all about the iris and not about the ita.
I asked the instructor I assisted today if she had any comments. She said "No. You don't need to be watched anymore."
That and a bottle of Dr. Tichenors and I swear we could cure cancer.
Don't forget a dash of Baby Orajel.
Wait, Allyson, do you want me, or the flowers?
Depends. Are you gonna critique my dying technique?
Thank you, Perkins!
Are you gonna critique my dying technique?
What are you dying of, is the question?
Anyway, it'd be