Theo - I had to follow-up like an insane person to get anything from contractors
This is leading me to believe that any person who does home-like repair or construction work is constitutionally unable to let the resident know what the hell is going on. I swear, maybe I ought to go into the contractor-customer liason business.
(Can you tell I'm irritated this morning? I am. Why the fuck should I have to do so much work for a service you are supposed to be providing?)
AhA! Google finally comes through:
Ko = N70 in Lin.B. The fruit of coriander. Ko-liandros = coriander.
Yes, "Lin.B." is Linear B. Boy, cilantro turns out to be complicated.
“Your phone lines are like a car. Every once in a while, they need service.”
This isn't a lie. They get staticky over time.
I was actually excited to discover through Google this morning that the recently developed buzz on my line could be the reason that my dial-up is connecting at such lightning speeds a 9.6 and 14.4 kbps. Now I jsut have to figure out where the damn buzz is coming from.
Raquel, what about empanadas? They can be filled with fruit, baked (and made with pie crust dough).
I'm wondering if I should sell my set of black Tiara glassware on Ebay or at an upcoming garage sale my MiL is having.
I think this might be call for an ear assing. be sure to call them jackholes.
That's a cool history of cilantro! All the way back to Linear B! They do actually have it here, but it's not usually have to go to the laiki (local market), rather than finding it at the supermarket. And the laiki near me hasn't had it yet this summer.
I bet it's something like koliander in Greek.
I'm off to try to get pizza. The local pizza place had a sign in the window all week that said "This shop will be closed through (word I don't know)" but I think I saw their door open today. Making dinner didn't happen due to upset baby.