That's a cool history of cilantro! All the way back to Linear B! They do actually have it here, but it's not usually have to go to the laiki (local market), rather than finding it at the supermarket. And the laiki near me hasn't had it yet this summer.
I bet it's something like koliander in Greek.
I'm off to try to get pizza. The local pizza place had a sign in the window all week that said "This shop will be closed through (word I don't know)" but I think I saw their door open today. Making dinner didn't happen due to upset baby.
Κολιανδρο, Κοριανδρο,
Κοριαντρο, or
On PBS May 31: Double Dare, a documentary about the stunt doubles for Lynda Carter and Lucy Lawless.
My TiVo knows not of Double Dare. Am sad now.
It might be under the title "Independent Lens".
I replaced the ball flapper on my toilet last night.
You'd think I was Pa Ingalls from the strutting.
Independent Lens lists Red Hook Justice, Vietman: TNG, and Chaves Tavine: A Los Angeles Story.
No Double Dare.
PBS hates you ita, they mock you during the pledge-a-thon.
they mock you during the pledge-a-thon.
you didn't pledge.
PBS hates you ita, they mock you during the pledge-a-thon.
psst. don't tell her about the "dancing itas."