Heh. The 826NYC Superhero Supply Store has a softball team.
Can of Evil Opened in First Inning
The DC Comics bullets crushed the Superhero Supply Company softball team in Central Park's North Meadow last Thursday, scoring 25 runs before the game was called in the fifth inning on account of darkness and also so that the teams could eat quesadillas.
826NYC Education Director Joan Kim and Volunteer Michael Coviello scored the only two runs for the Superhero Suppliers.
Joel Press, manager of the Bullets, revealed that their team had opened a Can of Evil purchased from the BSSCo. While the use of Canned Evil is not specifically forbidden by the League of Superpowered Athletes, it is considered extremely gauche and congressional hearings on the matter have been scheduled.
There’s a little girl in Arkansas named Ashley-Marie who has full-blown entitilitis, and she’s praying that everyone in America will breakdance for her at noon next Monday
I must send this to everyone in my family who sends me stupid emails.
And the subject header should be, PLZ FWD IF YOU LOVE AMERICA
I think when people try to be charismatic, they only succeed in being creepy.
I think it is also in the eye of the beholder. Witness. Whatever. See, I've got this friend from way back. Even way back, his "public" persona drove me absolutely insane. So ...slick. Smarmy. Total politician/car salesman. I couldn't help but squirm when he played it.
What was even stranger? People loved it. Ate it up.
It totally worked for a lot of people, and not people I could be all snobby about and say they were getting snowed. People whose judgment I really trusted.
I didn't get it. I still don't. I know others who don't as well.
We ended up being friends partly because he annoyed me so fucking much and I was stuck sitting next to him most of my years of high school. You snipe with a person long enough...
He's a nice guy. He was genuine. But the persona drives me nuts. But he's very successful with it. It gets him in all sorts of places.
Of course, I'm someone who flees from any sort of sales pitch, so maybe I'm the weird one.
I have a critical decision to make in the next half hour.
I'm splurging on a huge high calorie supper uber fattening supper to kick off my long weekend.
Pizza, or Chinese?
On the one hand, fried rice, dumplings, sesame chicken...mmmm.
On the other, melty melty cheese...mmmm.
Chinese. Unending salty variety.
And I like cheese.
Hec, why?
If you don't mind my asking.
The thing is, after a healthy dose of yummy salty chinese, if you need a cheese attack, you can make a quesadilla. You can't so much make slippery slimy lomein and sesame chicken. Well, without making a mess.