I've been looking at people recently, one in particular, getting away with the most ludicrous shit through sheer force of charm and a great smile.
My bestest friend tells me often that she's certain anyone else would be fired for some of the shit I say.
I am so damned charismatic.
I am officially here until 6/30. I just want to be ready to walk out at a moment's notice should an offer come in.
Sounds like a good plan. Hopefully, you get to do that soon.
Going home. Where I really need to clean. Really. Must.
Sara, you put in hours for me, and I'll clean your house.
I think I get away with a fair amount at work, but nothing of any weight. I mock myself as often as I mock any other person, and I'm careful to be sufficiently extravagant with my words as to make it look like I can't possibly mean it.
Not so much charisma, as I want to have a vaguely ita-spaced shape carved out to play in.
"Oh, that's just ita!" will work just fine.
Not so much charisma, as I want to have a vaguely ita-spaced shape carved out to play in.
"Oh, that's just ita!" will work just fine.
There are times when I am
at what I can get away with. I don't know if it's because I'm charismatic (I have no idea if I am or not), because I'm amusing, or it it's a case of "Oh, that's just Jilli".
iTunes is no more and the music library on this computer is deleted. I also remembered to print out my personal and work-related address books from Outlook, never know when you might need stuff.
That's all for today - homeward bound.
ita, if your not too wussified already - check this out.
Why are some people given access to the internet?
aside from the ponies, my favorite.
I hope Kristen sees these. Puppyslash, Ponyslash...