iTunes is no more and the music library on this computer is deleted. I also remembered to print out my personal and work-related address books from Outlook, never know when you might need stuff.
That's all for today - homeward bound.
ita, if your not too wussified already - check this out.
Why are some people given access to the internet?
aside from the ponies, my favorite.
I hope Kristen sees these. Puppyslash, Ponyslash...
I've been looking at people recently, one in particular, getting away with the most ludicrous shit through sheer force of charm and a great smile.
I use a lot of dry sarcasm and get away with it most of the time, but I doubt that counts as charm. I'm pretty sure no one has ever called me charming. At least not where I could hear it.
I tend to think of charming and charismatic people as confident extroverts with good social skills, and if my picture appears in the dictionary next to those words, it's in the list of antonyms.
my favoruite.
Oh my.
Do you suppose therapy can save the artist? Or is it too late?
Did you guys see the Britney pony! It is too funny!
Also, I feel like I get away with being cranky because I have a nice face. I also have the face where people ask you for random help (directions, finding stuff in a store, etc)
aside from the ponies, my favorite.
I have to admit, I need that, if I'm to step up the "no, you don't want my porn" plate.
I get away with stuff a lot because people don't grok, or cause I'm Special which is rather anti-charismatic.