Do you need some? I can send a few thousand.
A little-known fault that runs under Los Angeles into its suburbs could cause the costliest earthquake in U.S. history and kill as many as 18,000 people if it shifts, geologists said Wednesday.
Is that the one that's moving Downtown closer to Pasadena and will, one day, cause a new mountain range to spring up between the two?
Is that the one that's moving Downtown closer to Pasadena
Are they moving them away from me? I'd like Pasadena to be closer to me.
I can send a few thousand.
Hee. Send me ten. Pretty ones.
I'm making a note. Tonight, I will go through the archives and pull 10 excellent ones for you.
Hm. That reminds me, do California people strap down their computers and televisions and stuff? I keep thinking I should put earthquake straps on my computer and teevee so that they don't fly out and smush my cat.
I haven't felt an earthquake in a long time.
We have our bookshelves strapped to the studs in the wall. I figure if the tv falls and breaks, I get a new one.
And if it falls on Space Cat?
Can charisma be learned?
I've been looking at people recently, one in particular, getting away with the most ludicrous shit through sheer force of charm and a great smile. Not anything at
expense, nor anything I think I should be able to get away with, so no skin off my nose.
But it cracks me up and slightly sobers me that 80% of the people in the room would get smacked down or shut out for the very same sentences -- they just don't have the infectious delivery that sells the audience on the outrageousness.
pictures are done. the last of the iTunes stuff is burning, then I'll deauthorize this computer for my account and delete it.
When do you officially not return? Or is it handwavy?