Is the religious right ever happy? About anything?
They're happy about the idea that the world will come to flaming ruin, and then they can ascend and go Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaaa. "We are so righteous! You are so lame and suffering eternal torment."
t /Religious Right vs. Snacky's Law
TLTWATW without Christian allegory is just - sad
Pfffft. All I'm going to say about that. Though it is a very Lewisian sentiment.
FWIW, I had no idea anything in TLWAW was supposed to be Christian allegory when I read it as a kid. Of course, I also didn't like it enough to read the rest of the series, so take from that what you will.
I'm just not sure removing the Christian allegory means removing the magic/fantasy.
We have a state fossil (the Tully Monster, who knew?) but nothing else good.
They're happy about the idea that the world will come to flaming ruin, and then they can ascend and go Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaaa. "We are so righteous! You are so lame and suffering eternal torment."
What they don't know is that the flaming ruin will all be special effects and after they've all be raptured we can get on with things.
I don't know that Missouri has anything all that great state-object wise. We're just supposed to be skeptical of anything we can't witness first hand.
What they don't know is that the flaming ruin will all be special effects and after they've all be raptured we can get on with things.
"OK, are they all gone? Right! Cut the Flights of Angels! Lighting effects, take a break! Get me some fans to clear out this smoke and bring me a latte! It's a Rapture!"
We have an official state dance (West Coast Swing) and a state folkdance (square-dancing), a fossil (sabertooth), and a tartan (wha-huh?), but no foodstuffs of any sort.
I mean, shoot. At least one reputable historian places the martini's birthplace right over in the East Bay. We should
have an official state cocktail.
I'm an evangelical Christian. I'm not part of the religious right. Ditto 50 people I can think of off of the top of my head. All people of African descent != African
Americans. All married couples != parents. All daughters != sisters. All Latino Americans != Mexican.
They're happy about the idea that the world will come to flaming ruin, and then they can ascend and go Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaaa.
Which ones, the Historical Premillennialists, the Dispensational Premillennialists, surely not the Amillennialists; what about Preterism? Are you talking about people who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Post-tribulation Rapture, Mid-Tribulation Rapture, Pre-wrath Rapture, Partial Rapture?
Oh, and the people who those on the left fear (well, those uneducated about such matters) and think are vying for theocracy (aka Dominionists aka Reconstructionists) are, by the by, Postmillennialists.
Darth Punk-Ass Bitch(/gratuitous Wire reference)
I'm not interested enough in my state to know my state anythings.
The air-conditioner?