I'm an evangelical Christian. I'm not part of the religious right. Ditto 50 people I can think of off of the top of my head. All people of African descent != African
Americans. All married couples != parents. All daughters != sisters. All Latino Americans != Mexican.
They're happy about the idea that the world will come to flaming ruin, and then they can ascend and go Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaaa.
Which ones, the Historical Premillennialists, the Dispensational Premillennialists, surely not the Amillennialists; what about Preterism? Are you talking about people who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Post-tribulation Rapture, Mid-Tribulation Rapture, Pre-wrath Rapture, Partial Rapture?
Oh, and the people who those on the left fear (well, those uneducated about such matters) and think are vying for theocracy (aka Dominionists aka Reconstructionists) are, by the by, Postmillennialists.
Darth Punk-Ass Bitch(/gratuitous Wire reference)
I'm not interested enough in my state to know my state anythings.
The air-conditioner?
I'm not part of the religious right.
I'd say that's true of most Christians. The far right has a much bigger mouthpiece than mainline Christians.
I'm not mainline though, I'm evangelical. There's a blurry mess that might be referred to casually as a line, but I'm on the evangelical side of the blurry mess.
So are Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.
I got the kids washed and I'm only a little bit drenched. Not bad. Now I've got to get them in bed.
I didn't think mainline excluded evangelical, but you're right, it's all very blurry. There is clattering and crying in the background, gotta go.
There is clattering and crying in the background, gotta go.
Heh. For a minute there, I thought you meant in the church. Hope the crying and clattering stop.
My state dinosaur is the coelophysis. It was wee and liked meat! I don't think it was the nicest.
They found a bunch of them at Ghost Ranch.
I think I'm gonna be sick. I got a thing in the mail turning me to this website.
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How can I report this? It was mailed.
How the fuck did I get on this mailing list. I don't recall signing any "I am a hateful bigot" petitions.